Il Cavallo Quiz + Consigliere.


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Scopri tutto sui Cavalli, e di leggere molti Cavalli Fatti. Vi mostriamo Cavalli-Informazioni, i Cavalli di Idee e di Cavalli, Ispirazioni. Il grande Cavallo Guru, un offline Cavalli di Guida e prenotazioni online di Cavalli di Riferimento (Cavalli-Lessico) per Clienti.English:
The Horses Quiz + Guide.
The free horse App.Your Horse Game.
The free horse App. You will learn everything there is to know about horses and read lots of horse facts. We will show you horses information, horses ideas, horses and inspirations. The large horses Guru, provides you with an offline horse guide and horses reference book (equine lexicon) Available. The Pferdepedia, a horse book, offers you a collection of horses, a horse consultant, horse images / Designs and horses photos, horses Forum, as well as a horses Encyclopedia¤diem with horses suggestions. Planned are also the following features in the next Version: + new cool horses games. + horses Video links + horses drawing templates + horses Puzzle + set of horses Wallpaper pictures + horses Live Wallpaper (horses Wallpapers) + Live horses Widget